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Southeast Arlington Little League

Southeast Arlington Little League

Rainout and Inclement Weather Policy

Southeast Arlington Little League Rain Out/Inclement Weather Policy



  • The City of Arlington has the first determination as to play-ability of the fields and has the right to close them at their discretion
  • Upon receiving rain, the City will notify League Officials by 3:00pm on weekdays and 8:00am on Saturdays as to whether the fields are dry enough to prep and play on
  • After those times, it is up to the league to continue to play or cancel based on current conditions and whether games can be played SAFELY without the risk of injury
  • If lightning is detected within 10 miles of the playing field at ANY TIME during an active game day, games will be delayed for 30 minutes after each strike until the threat is gone. If there is not sufficient time to complete a started game, it will be suspended until another day.  



  • During Spring/Summer games if the outside Heat Index rises above 105 degrees according to the Weather Bug App, games will be delayed up to 1 hour or canceled until index drops below 105 
  • During Fall/Winter games if the outside Chill Factor drops below 40 degrees according to the Weather Bug App, games will be delayed up to 1 hour or canceled until chill factor rises above 40



  • Once games are determined unplayable, a league official will update the game status in the system which will generate a notification sent to your smart phone (if the app is installed), send a text message (if signed up for alerts) and generate an email notification to all emails on the players account of the game change/cancellation
  • SEALL will also post on Facebook if any games are canceled or delayed
  • If you are unable to receive any of the above notifications, reach out to your coach for status updates



  • Games will be rescheduled for the earliest available date if possible to prevent back loading the schedule for the season. You will be notified via the app and email of any schedule changes


To check anytime on the status of field closures at Cravens park, you can call the City of Arlington Parks and Rec Rainout line at:

(817) 462-8441 menu option 2 for Cravens


Southeast Arlington Little League
PO Box 181901 
Arlington, Texas 76096

Phone: 817-703-6800
Email: [email protected]

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